giovedì 17 marzo 2011

Baby Bee Garden (With Everything In It!)

E' da un po' che avevo scaricato questo kit, ma ho avuto l'occasione di giocarci solo ora. E' Baby Bee Garden di Lorie Davison
I downloaded this kit some time ago, but I've had the chance to play with it only recently. It's Baby Bee Garden by Lorie Davison

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DST Gallery Standouts: thank you -Jeanet-!!!

DST Gallery Standouts: than you Lara and mummyd!!!

Spring Blossom in Scrappons Digi di marzo 2011

Nel numero di marzo 2011 di Scrappons Digi ci sono quattro minikit in regalo tra cui Spring Blossom di Pink Lotty
In the March issue of Scrappons Digi there are four free mini kits. Amongst them you can find Spring Blossom by Pink Lotty

Ora Spring Blossom si trova nel negozio di Pink Lotty Designs
Now you can find Spring Blossom in Pink Lotty Designs' shop

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Credits: Butterflies
DST Gallery Standouts: thank you Yelina and LanaScrapDesigns!!!

Enchanted Tea

Enchanted Tea è il nuovo kit di Cali Designs
Enchanted Tea is thenew kit by Cali Designs

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DST Gallery Standouts: thank you anndahl!!!

Kitchen Fairies

E' uscito oggi il nuovo kit di Albina Designs, Kitchen Fairies
The new kit by Albina Designs, Kitchen Fairies, has come out today

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DST Gallery Standouts: thank you dida1357!!!

Sweet Street

Ecco un kit di Albina Designs uscito un po' di tempo fa. E' Sweet Street.
Here is a kit by Albina Designs that came out some time ago. It's Sweet Street.

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DST Gallery Standouts: thank you Yelina!!!

Blooming Spring

Ecco l'ultimo kit di Pink Lotty, Blooming Spring
Here is the last kit by Pink Lotty, Blooming Spring

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DST Gallery Standouts: thank you zojinka!!!
March Gherkin GSOs at SPD: thank you spirula!!!

A cup of sweet tea

Ecco A cup of sweet tea di StarLight Designs
Here is A cup of sweet tea by StarLight Designs

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Credits: Relaxing tea
DST Gallery Standouts: thank you Irenchen!!!